B.A.D. Money Challenge

 The B.A.D. Money Challenge is under way. 

We are six days into the new business quarter where the challenge is gaining momentum. 

Today we are going to push past what we want and move into doing what we need. 
(SN: This is also the momentum for the Game Changer Online Conference; get registered here today.) 

The lesson plan for making the money you want to make comes from the experience in the process. 

  1. Level Up Your Consistency
    1. Whatever you're doing now continue
    2. Add more info or content AND posts to all social media
  2. Learn something new about your industry everyday
    1. Due to the internet things change everyday which means industry changes, adjustments and upsets are happening everyday; make sure you take time to search the net about these changes. 
    2. Read up on your industry leaders
  3. Apply what you have learned and teach others. 
    1. What changed for you in your business? 
      1. Whatever changed look at the good or the bad, learn from that and then REAPPLY to your business. 
    2. Teach someone from your experiences, not just what you learned. 

Bonus 2: 

  • Continue to stay a student in all things regarding your business not just the industry
    • look at what people in your industry are doing; what works and what doesn't
    • utilize this information to help you determine what you need to do differently in your business. 
  • Your table should consist of 11 other like minded individuals 
    • surround yourself with folks who are going places by any means necessary 
    • remember who and whose you are (God) taking into consideration all that He has put inside you to build wealth on; people with the same spiritual understanding are sitting at your table. 
I hope this helps you as you go through the #BADMoneyChallenge !

We all have goals and aspirations; let's reach them now! 


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