Making Moves Signing Deals

 If someone would have told me 2020 would have been my year for the glow up, I would have just waved my hand and said thank you, Lord. 

I would have doubted myself, but I would have thanked God anyway. 

Well, I'm still thanking God. This year has been a blessing in the middle of chaos. If it weren't me losing my house, coronavirus, and still not having a car, it was getting my house back, not getting sick, and working for ride-share during a pandemic. 

Yes, God has truly blessed me. 

I am ever grateful for all the things God has given me and I'm sharing some of that insight with you. 

Never underestimate God's power in your life when you obey Him. Stay on the Lord's side no matter what you think may happen. Don't doubt yourself or your faith. Don't succumb to the wiles of the enemy. 

With that, I spent yesterday talking with someone about growing Queen Cuts while waiting for further certifications. It's important you know you are completing the process while building the business. That means more than I can explain right now, but I will. 

I also signed a new publishing contract for Destined Publishing House. This is my second author in less than two months. and my fourth author in the past year.  Again, I am grateful, I have not complaints.

You have to know that even if you're late showing up, you must show up! 

Making moves and signing deals!  


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