My Husband Hasn't Shown Up Yet

I'm divorced.

I'm good with it.

I'm an entrepreneur.

I sleep with  my phone in hand, under pillows, somewhere close by.

Because my husband hasn't shown up yet, I work 24/7, in between sleep, and after prayer.

Becasue my husband hasn't shown up yet, I'm good with preparing everything until he does.

You see, as a woman of faith, I know I have to wait on God to reveal and release me to my future king. While waiting, I must be working.

Like Ruth, I will be found working. 
Like Lydia, I won't stop doing what is necessary and vital to do for ministry and life. 

Sleeping with my phone is not over the top; I have friends, customers, clients, in other countries. I have to be available to nightowls as well. I'm not saying, I just give my time away for free; I'm saying if I wake up and see a notice, a text, or an email, I'll probably answer at THAT TIME.

When my husband shows up, all late nights and middle of the night activity belongs to him. He won't even have to ask.

The lesson here is, do what needs to be done until your life changes. Prepare, plan, organize for the life you want right now.

Here's a few tips: 

Automatic posts throughout the day.
Always plan plan plan so you can REST REST REST on the 7th day.
Make note of your accomplishments (small or large) in order to motivate you for what is next.
Nothing is too hard or too small get it done.



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